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2007 has been an outstanding year for video games. Records are being broken everywhere – in some cases, not only just among video games. Halo 3 broke the record for the most sales in the first week, not only among video games, but entertainment period – shattering previous records of blockbuster movies. Bungie shamed Spider-Man 3, destroying the record with $300 million dollars in sales. With games like BioShock, The Orange Box, and Call of Duty 4, which won award after award, 2007 has certainly been a golden year for gaming.

It’s been more than a year since the Wii was released, but Nintendo still can’t make them fast enough. People lined up in front of stores weeks before Christmas, in hopes of getting one.

Is the new generation of gaming here? Will the wishes of hardcore gamers be overshadowed by the whims of casual players? I hope that the market will not be flooded with cheap, crappy games like the disaster that caused the video game market to crash in the early 80’s.