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It’s been more than a year since the Wii was released, but Nintendo still can’t make them fast enough. People lined up in front of stores weeks before Christmas, in hopes of getting one.

Is the new generation of gaming here? Will the wishes of hardcore gamers be overshadowed by the whims of casual players? I hope that the market will not be flooded with cheap, crappy games like the disaster that caused the video game market to crash in the early 80’s.

A library in Ft. Myers, Florida has a new strategy to get teenagers to come to the library: A Wii? These library workers hope that kids will come to play the Wii, and stick around afterward to read.

The Wii will be available to patrons during organized events on the weekends. The only game currently listed as being available will be Mario Party 8.

Lee County Library Events

Street Fighter 3 happened about 8 or 9 years ago, but that wasn’t the end. In E3, they showeed a teaser trailer to “street fighter 4”, featuring Ryu and Ken fighting with ink-like splattering effects, showing it would come out.

Now that the game has been shown inside EGM magazine, I can explain what has changed…

The game features beautiful 3D graphics, but it will still strictly be 2D fighting. Also, a ton of characters will be in there. EGM stated that Capcom hinted that something in THEIR magazine will be there (such as the rumored Sonic and Tales being secret characters, or Gouken, the mentor Ken and Ryu, will probably be in their…).

Not to mension that the combo system will be revved up with a new “revenge” guage that will allow the audience to make invincible attacks that can’t be blocked and are super harshed, when the revenge guage fills up (that happens when you get hurt).

Street Fighter has gone a long way with winnings up its hands, so hopefully it will stay that way with this title……

Theres alot of cool new stuff.. Heres Whats included.

[Internet Radio] has been added under Network.
Importing of Channels in OPML format is now supported under [Rss Channel]
Photos can be displayed under [Rss Channel]
New effects have been added to the visual player under [Music]

WARNING!!!! If you have a hack on your PSP it will not work after this update, if you value your hacks don’t update the firmware.

You can get the Update VIA Network update if you have and internet connection on your PSP.
Or you can get it here

A video presentation, “Video Games and Children: Virtual Playground Vs. Danger Zone,” was shown by Governor Eliot Spitzer and Staten Island’s Division of Criminal Justice.

It’s amazing how ignorant many adults are about video games. The presentation refers to a web site, “Mothers Against Videogame Addiction and Violence”, In fact, this site is a parody, and the group does not exist. One skim through the site and one will realize just how fake it is – it is amazing that the creators of the presentation did not spot it. The site also made several other errors, including reporting that the Virginia Tech killer, Seung Hui Cho, played Counter-Strike, which in fact is completely false, according to a panel that reviewed the shooting.

Unfortunately, parents today often get a mixed message about video games. They tend to believe that all games are evil, or completely harmless, but nowhere in between.